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Understanding Pyometra in Female Dogs

A Life-Threatening Condition

Pyometra is a grave medical condition that can affect intact female dogs. It occurs typically within a few weeks to a month after a heat cycle when the uterus becomes infected. The result is the accumulation of pus within the uterus, posing a severe threat to your pet's life.

Identification and Discharge

In some cases of pyometra, there may be no visible discharge, making diagnosis challenging. However, in other instances, you may observe a thick, creamy vulval discharge, which can serve as an early indicator of uterine infection. As time progresses post-heat cycle, the cervix closes, preventing the pus from escaping and leading to concealed symptoms.

Recognizing Symptoms

The toxins produced by the pus accumulation can make your dog unwell. Keep an eye out for symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, high temperature, panting, and general lethargy. These signs indicate a veterinary emergency.

Potential Complications

If left untreated, pyometra can lead to dire consequences. The pus-filled uterus may rupture, spilling pus into the abdomen, resulting in a condition called Peritonitis. Peritonitis is life-threatening as the infection spreads through the bloodstream, affecting multiple organs and causing multi-organ failure.